飛利浦SU5000剃須刀采用高效切割刀片,在不傷(shāng)害皮膚的情況(kuàng)下實現快速、幹淨(jìng)的剃須。剃須刀嵌入了一個Skin IQ電源適配器傳感(gǎn)器,可以讀取你的胡子,並根據你的需求自動應用切割電源。在選(xuǎn)擇金屬飾麵和硬質(zhì)塑料的整個過程中,都會(huì)考慮建(jiàn)築質量和對細節的關注。淺(qiǎn)色和(hé)金屬飾麵呈現清新和幹淨的(de)外觀。**的五邊形剃須膏是當代設計的**體現。新的絨毛設(shè)計(jì)具有(yǒu)可控的邊緣和柔軟的枕角,為電動剃須帶來了差(chà)異化和創新。
Philips Shaver SU5000 with efficient cut blades provides a fast, clean shave without hurting the skin. The shaver is embedded with a Skin IQ Power Adapt Sensor that reads your beard and applies cutting power automatically to your needs. Build quality and attention to detail are considered throughout the selection of metallic finishes and tough plastics. Light color and metallic finishing present freshness and a clean look. The advanced pentagonal shaving floes are the ultimate expression of contemporary design. The new floe design with controlled edges and soft pillowed corners brings differentiation and innovation to electric shaving.